Links to local Maps and other Cycling related information:
To check on different aspects of your rides, this map tracks what cyclist like/dislike, accident sites with meta data etc.
If you are looking for cycle routes when away from home, you might find this site useful.
Cycling Holidays
We know that Portland is a great city for cyclists, and the city is renowned for its beer. Here is how they combine them!
Cycle Advocacy Groups
Greater Victoria Cycling Coalition
And for some cycling tips to avid injury take a look at this page - thanks to Bella for suggesting this link.
Another resource for those starting out on their cycling journey, Pivot Health has a helpful post on the buying a bike and the health benefits that come with cycling. Thanks, Danielle
Cycle Gear
Local Bicycle Manufacturers
A Futuristic Bike from the Pacific North West
Cycling Blogs
There are many Cycling Blogs to choose from - here are just a couple to get you started.
Again, your comments are welcomed. If you have a favourite cycling blog that is not on the list, let me know and it will be added.
When cycling expect the unexpected!