Cycling in Print originally, although digital as well.

Cycling Journalism

Cycling doesn't get covered very well in many newspapers, except at the Tour de France. The British Daily Telegraph is an exception.

These are links to just a sampling of columns from that newspaper, in digital, rather than the printed word - you may want to bookmark the Cycling page in The Telegraph. There is also the Telegraph Podcast to consider.

Cycling and fertility

The Cyclist's Breakfast

Why shave your legs?

Cycling and snobbery

Confessions of a middle aged cyclist

Bike Building - it's about your frame of mind


Shifting Gears - a bike can change your life.

TV Secrets at Tour de France

Spoddy Cyclist

Tips to keep you bike in tip top condition

Cycling Injuries

Not for retirees

Other articles

Cycling Recovery


Books & Journals

There are also many books related to cycling whether they be autobiographical, technical, travel;

cycling books.jpg

Bicycle Culture

On the Road Bike

Me and My Bike

Bike Porn Vol 1 - not what you think!


Land of Second Chances

Ian, showing his Kiwi Connections forwarded an article from the New Zealand Herald on the benefits of cycling as an antidote to ageing. If you want to read more on the research you find it here


Canadian Cycling