PC Jim McN to the rescue on Dallas
9 (or 10?) riders met at Ogden point and proceeded along Dallas Road. Traffic is definitely heavier with a few tour buses and more overall road use. We saw a group of 30 - 50 recreational riders along Dallas and then again at "our" coffee shop Olive Olio's. We believe they may have been barbarian intruders from Vancouver - so we hope they may represent a transient element in out tranquil backwater. The group split about equally - half taking the scenic King George Terrace route and half taking the slightly less hilly route around. The high road group were delayed as Jim authoritatively pulled a woman over (he looked a bit like a cop at the time) to advise her that her seat belt was hanging out of her car door. He was kind enough not to also inform her that she had cut us off and almost caused an accident. The low road group were delighted to find that they got to the rendez vous spot before the high road group. They were not at all interested to know why. Some riders went the extra mile to 10 Mile Point and all retired to OO for coffee and more BS.