Theatrical Bike Ride

Theatre SKAM’s annual festival of drama, comedy, improv, opera, dance, puppetry, cycling, music and sunshine is coming back to the Galloping Goose Trail — with a new name, longer hours and a more accessible ride than every before!

Theatre SKAM’s SKAMpede 2015 lineup:

Maimyard of the Pacific – 2 Dope Boys in a Cadillac (Victoria)
The Tiebreaker – The After Party Girls (Vancouver)
Re-Gretta – Astral Jazz Theatre (Victoria)

If I Had A Horse – Ben, Dave, Steve (Edmonton)
The Oldest Trick in the Book – The Click (Victoria)
The Return of Space Cadet – Determined Illusions (Vancouver)
Don Faust’s Magic Butterfly Marriage of Doom - Fear No Opera (Victoria)
Harvey & Quinn – Gotta Getta Gimmick (Victoria)
Wait – Go Go Go Productions (Toronto)
The Tree of Tales – Juniper Tree (Victoria)
The Rope Seer: The Legend of Knockan Hill – Scrumpy Productions (Victoria)
Scope – Zopyra Theatre (Victoria)

In the Hub:

Geraldine’s Big Blind Date - Levity Stilt Co (Victoria)
Gazoo Reveals Its True Nature – Jo Leslie (Victoria)

Saturday, July 11 only in the Hub:
PROTEST! Created By Kate Rubin Theatre and Drama Students.

And the Friday Night Feast July 10, 2015: three-course dinner and 12+ shows!

Head over to the Bike Ride SKAMpede page for more info.