Flying High
The forecast for the ride was not entirely positive - 30% chance of thundershowers. James, Jim, Norm x2, David A., Rusty, John, Tom & Doug opted to assemble at Lochside Park where an emergency repair station has been installed.
New Emergency Station at Lochside Park
James set a good pace taking advantage of a tail wind. The decision was to go clockwise around the airport bike path aka The Flight Path - as we passed the Spitfire Restaurant, the Snow Birds could be seen parked adjacent to the restaurant. By the time we had cycled around to the viewing point on Mills Road, the squadron was assembling to take off along runway 09. Naturally, the stop at the viewing point was extended as the Peloton found the take-off to be totally absorbing - with two sets of aircraft took off three abreast.
Ready for take off
From the viewing stop to the coffee stop at Belinda's only took a few moments. The testimony of Nigel Wright was floated as the first discussion item, but was cut short when Tom told us he figured Mr. Harper knew all about the cheque for $90K. From there it was on to driverless cars - a hold over from the Pender discussion - that didn't go far when ground transportation was deemed so last year, that we would all have our own jet pack and soon after that we would be able to say "Beam me up Scotty"
For the ride back, we followed the "high road" - namely East Sannich Road.
As we approached the parking lot at Lochside, a few rain drops were encountered, not enough to call rain.
Another good ride with great company.