Clockwise or anticlockwise? That was the question.

With the Labour Day weekend tomorrow, then it must be September. The skies were clear when the ride started at Fol Epi and at Lochside, but there was a hint of fall in the air - no bare arms today. The design of the ride continues to evolve: 7 riders started at Le Fol, Rusty rode south to meet that group riding north, while James and Norm assembled at Lochside - all departing at 9.30am.

There was an energetic head wind on the ride up Lochside. Care had to be taken at any road crossing all the way up to Michel's due to traffic being diverted off the Pat Bay Hwy for some reason. The first few kilometres of trail were still soggy after recent rains. Once on firm pavement, the speed picked up. James and Norm opted to go around the airport in an anti-clockwise direction, while the others rode in a clockwise direction - it was no surprise, therefore, that they reached Melinda's first. James and Norm talked digital photography, Peloton organization and the current refugee dilemma on the ride and over coffee until the rest arrived. when the conversation changed to Rusty regaling us with stories about his recent trip to Iceland - running the half marathon, street partying till 1.00 am, thermal pools as well as the high cost of living in Iceland. Co-incidentally there is an article in today's Globe about a new industry on Iceland taking advantage of its cheap power - an interesting read. The other major topic of conversation was Red Green [welcome back to Rob who will now be part of the Peloton more regularly] - I couldn't remember all the Rob Green quotes that emerged around the table, so I had to ask Prof Google who tells me that in addition to the normal Wikipedia, there is a Wikiquote website where you can find many of Red's quotes  - I will only include one - "if women don't find you handsome, you should at least be handy!" As you can see from the photos below, the sun was shining on a great day for a cycle.

For the ride home, the entire Peloton rode around the airport in an anticlockwise direction, crossed over the Pat Bay at McTavish then south to Lochside, losing Rusty at Island View. At Lochside, James and Norm switched to using the internal combustion engine, while others cycled home.