A Chilly One

On a beautiful sunny day the Peloton started from Fol Epi at minus 2 degrees C. Over the course of the ride the temperature rose to a balmy plus 1 degreeC. Six hardy cyclists and a blow-in biked and skated across a few icy patches along the lively Colquitz river trail. Coffee at Crumsbys was great and so was the group.

And in Cycling News - 

  • first from, New South Wales, the one with a y not an i, the government is thinking about making it mandatory for cyclists to carry ID - how would that go over in Victoria, BC ?

  • this has also been a proposal in the UK

Now that I have your attention, here is the latest in parcel delivery - in Portland, of course

See you at Swans on Friday

Christmas 2020

It’s been a while since I have posted anything on the web site - you don’t have to remind me it’s been 4 years, back when we could share a Christmas Lunch at our Club House, aka Swans - and we had Christmas gifts for” select members” Those were the days - but they will come back!

It is too late for this year, but you could order one of these cycling jerseys below for next year. I had no idea such an item was available.

In these pandemic times, I hope you are enjoying Christmas and New Year with those under the same roof, and for those others by FaceTime, Zoom etc.

Whenever I’m asked by friends and family across Canada and around the world what I like about life in VIctoria, there is a very straightforward answer - the friends that we have made, especially those with whom I cycle. Our collective care and concern for one another is what makes this group special. Wishing you and yours all the very best in 2021.