A Whole New Era

The first “post Harper” ride took place on Oct 20. Post election confusion was in full force as there were only two riders [were the others drowning their sorrows after the result, or did they stay up late and party the night away??]. Jack and Ian managed to not coordinate neither the time nor the place of the ride start. However, both decided the other was ahead and they managed to join up for coffee at the Broken Paddle. Jack brought Ian up to date on the status of his back and then a post mortem of the election took place which made for an extended coffee break. They managed to depart the coffee shop together and enjoyed a good, crisp ride back in excellent conditions.

Now it is Canada's turn to have a spandex wearing PM - move over Australia!

Now it is Canada's turn to have a spandex wearing PM - move over Australia!

And here is a promise the Peloton will be following with interest