A Tale of Two Riders, plus. . .

This week, there was the "regular Peloton", and then there were the two soloists!

Jack slept in  and could not possibly make the rendezvous for the morning ride. Instead, he went for a solo ride (at a more reasonable hour) out to Rocky Point Rd. 36 km return. It was a beautiful day for any ride and this ride was really enjoyable with the fall colours in parts, brilliant sunshine and mottled shade in the forest. The track was hard and dry, occasionally blanketed with dry leaves – very pleasant. No bear or cougar sightings!

Norm L. on the other hand had a different version of "reasonable hour" - he arrived at Ogden Point at 9.00am; rather than wait and enjoy the breeze off the water, he headed out to Ten Mile Point following the coastal route. When he came back down to Olive Olio's the Peloton had not arrived. Rather than wait, he headed back down through Uplands and Oak Bay, but no sign of the Peloton - perhaps they were at Cattle Point? Like Jack he experienced a glorious fall day for a ride in our adopted home.

No pictures, instead a link to an interesting article about Mountain Equipment Co-op. And how the V-Dub crisis might impact on cycling in the US.

And somewhat belatedly, here's what the "real Peloton" did!

The Friday ride was another great (and somewhat unexpectedly warm) day.  Some riders were seen stripping down even before leaving Ogden point much to the delight of at least one older lady.  Seven riders started out from Ogden Point with Tom setting a blistering pace.  Thankfully we met up with David B. part way and Tom backed off to talk to David and letting other riders set the pace. 
At Olio's 6 riders headed for 10 mile point and 3 turned back to Olio's for coffee at Mile "9" leaving 3 keeners to do the ugly last hill. 
Discussion over coffee naturally covered the pending election and things like "vote sharing".  When talk turned to having another lunch @ Swans so we could use up some more of Chris's desert coupons, Tom reminded us that we also predicted oil prices last time we were there, & that it might be time/fun to re-visit our predictions. We then had a short discussion about Alzheimer's , but I doubt that most of us remember what we talked about.
Back on the bikes with Ian setting the homeward pace and the group scattering along the way as we headed back to Ogden Point. A fun ride with no incidents