The sun always shines at Olive Olio's

For hardy riders met at Ogden Point under very windy/ gusty conditions. Nonetheless, a decent weather pocket was enjoyed after all the rain and wind in recent days. The wind was at our backs as the Peloton headed along Dallas Road, past the now familiar landmarks of Clover Point, Gonzales Bay, Trafalgar Park and on up to Willows Beach and Olive Olio’s at Cadboro Bay for coffee and refreshment while enjoying the sun in the courtyard. We reflected that it is always sunny for us there and we always sit outside - there would be no room to sit inside on a bad weather day. Along the way Hans joined the Peloton in the Uplands to make 5 - he was mumbling something about starting at Foi Epi in error and then he raced off after coffee with a "Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night" Who was that jolly old elf? 

Over coffee Tom referenced a great documentary , The Last Dogs of Winter  currently showing on the Knowledge Network. Well worth checking out. Turns out John and his family have a history with these dogs right at Ft Churchill, Man. where his family lived for a few years and where the documentary was made. John provided this link which is well worth investigating.

When discussing the recent spell of “cold” weather,r  Hans talked about his many warm event jackets from speed skating events around the world, including the Olympics - but he can't easily donate them to the needy as they have logos from sponsors who don’t want to see them on individuals who don’t caste their brand in a “positive” light. Jeff bravely joined the ride with his new hybrid bike and tackled the challenging hills with scarcely a whimper. Norm T tried to get some sympathy for his scrapes and scratches received while snorkelling in Cabo. No such sympathy was extended. Great ride back, the wind seemed to shift in our favour as we came back through the neighbourhoods to Moss St and back on Dallas Road.

From Ogden the ride was about 30 km in 1:30 hr. Av speed was 20.9 km/ hr. and top speed was 46.7 km/ hr.

Thanks to Norm T for the dialogue and colour photos, and John for the family photos B&W