Co-Ed Peloton without bikes

A big shout out to Rusty and Orlis for hosting a bbq for the pelotoneers and their partners, using a real barbeque, not one like this

Those living in Songhees, James Bay, Fairfield left home under rain and cloud - however, Orlis and Rusty had other ideas - by the time we reached Island View, the clouds and rain had evaporated to be replaced by sunshine and warmth. Norm L. must have had some premonition since he was the only one wearing shorts!

Rusty and Orlis demonstrated their hosting skills by having everything organized before we arrived. After the meet and greet and a few appies, Rusty put on the bbq, shortly thereafter, the guests were divided in two - males around the bbq, the females stayed indoors. There should have been a photograph of the bbq [apologies, the brain did not kick into gear in time] - there were steaks, salmon, chicken ribs and lamb kebabs!

After lunch, some needed a siesta!

The hosts showed us the garden which was filled with colour, fruit and vegetables in abundance. Clearly there are green thumbs at home.

Our collective thanks once again to Rusty and Orlis for a fantastic afternoon in Saanich.

And since there might be some lady readers, here is an article just for you. Enjoy