A Ride under Possibly False Pretences

James kindly sent out an optimistic email advising us to ignore current weather conditions, with the assurance that it was going to be fine day for a ride. We have more faith in James than what the weather gods were signalling. While it didn't rain exactly, there was some drizzle, with the sun remaining camouflaged by clouds. Nonetheless, everyone had a good time. Your blogger failed to take any snaps today, so creativity is the order of the day.

Meals on Wheels, courtesy of Jim

Meals on Wheels, courtesy of Jim

The trend of a scattered start seems to be catching on: Rusty from Island View, Norm T from Fairfield, David from Broadmead & Tom assembled at Mann Construction, while James, Doug and Norm L started from Lochside.

Those starting at Lochside cycled at a pace which allowed for conversation - about corporate ethics in the context of the VW scandal. Those starting at Mann Construction opted instead to set a cracking pace with no real breaks. Whenever anyone thought of slowing or stopping to draw breath or have a drink of water, Tom cracked the whip with “OK, let’s go”. When they joined the Lochside contingent already established at Melinda’s they were ready for a wardrobe change after sweating up a storm. Even so, they were not excluded from the coffee shop! Norm T. posted a PB for his ride to and from home - 3 hours and 5 mins for 70.5 km!

Over coffee and calories, there was further discussion of the VW imbroglio. Some felt that VW was heading for bankrupt, others took a less pessimistic view. No matter the prediction, there was agreement that corporate ethics took a black eye, as well as the self monitoring undertaken by car companies. 

James and Norm reminisced about children's TV on the BBC while growing up on either side of Hadrian's Wall. There was the episode of Blue Peter when an elephant "left its mark" in the studio

Then there was The Magic Roundabout which achieved something of a cult following; it was a 5 minute cartoon that came on before the 6.00pm news - back in the day when TV programming started at 5.00pm and finished at 11.00pm. For trivia buffs, the BBC scripts were written and performed by Eric Thompson, the mother of Emma Thompson.

There was a passing reference to the upcoming Harvest Moon on Monday. Of course I couldn't ignore Neil Young's contribution.

As we were getting to ready leave the conversation turned to Winston Churchill and some of his quotations. This came after Tom recalled Churchill’s quotes about Clement Atlee.

“A modest man who has much to be modest about” and “ He is a sheep in sheep’s clothing”.

If you are interested in other Churchill barbs you can check here

And here’s a topic for the next ride.

Jim asked me to post this link to the Greater Victoria Cycling Coalition who are looking for volunteers.

Thanks for organizing, James