Post Harvest Moon Ride

Norm T had called on his creative side to create the rides for today - both rides started at Ogden Point, with a shared destination - Olive Olio’s at 10 Mile Point. Given the spectacular Harvest Moon the night before, Neil Young's Harvest Moon was an "ear worm" this morning. One ride, the slightly more challenging followed a clockwise direction going to Fol Epi, then the Goose and Lochside before heading east to Cadboro’ Bay, while the other group travelled in an anti-clockwise direction via Dallas Road, Beach Rd, Cattle Point and through Uplands to Olive Olio’s, the designated coffee stop.

Rusty soaking in the view at Trafalgar Point

Rusty soaking in the view at Trafalgar Point

Over coffee, the upcoming federal election could not be avoided, but it didn’t get too hot and heavy. There was some discussion of the latest Liberal ad featuring Justin promoting his BC pedigree. Questions were raised about the low profile of Maggie T. That lead to some discussion of crazy women - Rob shared some insights on this matter. 

Trying to steer clear of more election talk, the conversation migrated to the proposed use of fireman for paramedic duties paramedic duties.This generated a couple of firemen stories - quite fitting given that a Saanich Fire Service vehicle nearly "came in contact" with our bikes as it parked at Olive Olio’s! Rob shared a story whereby a dog that had got lost in parkland near the shore resulted in 15 rescue personnel being in attendance - animal control, fireman, police, ambulance, including a zodiac being brought into service. If you want to find out more about dogs in Victoria, go here. Quite amazing what is on the city's web site!! Rusty recounted a story from North Van when they required the services of the fire department to rescue a toddler from the roof. A request was made not to have all sirens blaring when the vehicles arrived. That request fell on deaf ears.

A general discussion ensued on the costs of the fire service - the consensus being that there were more fireman employed than necessary, but of course we didn’t allow for the time necessary to tone their torsos for the annual fireman’s calendar!!

After coffee, the Peloton in typical post Olive Olio fashion, headed in several different compass directions, except east!

Another glorious day with much for which to be thankful. Speaking of being thankful, just a reminder about John's email re Ride for Refuge.

October 3, 2015

October 3, 2015

Courtesy of Jim, you can groan at this one!!