Picture Perfect for the Peloton

We could not have asked for better conditions for a bike ride - sunny, warm, but not too hot and little or no wind. No jacket needed, only sunscreen. It doesn’t get much better than this.

The ride organization continues to evolve. Norm L. and Jeff independently arrived well ahead of the official start time at Mile Zero, opting to take the high road to Caddy Bay, while James, David A., Dave N., Doug, and Rob met at the prescribed time. Norm L went around 10 Mile Point before coming back to Olive Olio’s for coffee. 

Jeff, who was on the original Peloton invite list in 2012 was welcomed back into the Peloton having been sidelined due back issues. Had Jim been present, he would have had competition for being “King of the Cinnamon Bun”.

Rob brought tomatoes fresh from the garden - including the heirloom black cherry. The extra vitamin surge from the tomatoes added spice to the conversation. Unfortunately, no photograph was taken till after the last tomato was consumed! 

The stalk of a Black Cherry Tomato

The stalk of a Black Cherry Tomato

John drew our attention to the news that the City of Victoria has brought in some “heavy weight” consultants from overseas to assist in the formulation of the city’s bicycle plan. 

One consultant is from Bogota which is one of the leading cities when it come to cycling - check the Guardian article on the subject.

The second consultant is from Kobenhaven which has a long time reputation for being cycle friendly - to find out more click here and here

John was accused, quite incorrectly, of using his moustache as a flavour saver from his pizza and beer indulgence on Tuesday. John categorically denied not having washed his mo since Tuesday.

The most recent landed immigrant from Calgary was disappointed to learn that all the tickets to the Victoria Beer Festival were sold out in 40 minutes and more importantly that he didn’t have one! [Being a technology centre there is of course an app for the Festival]. However, he consoled himself with the prospect of baching it for the next few days, especially with a Blue Jays double header tomorrow.

The conversation lasted longer than usual as we basked in the sun enjoying congenial conversation, only appreciated by old farts! Speaking of old farts and retirement you may want to check out this T-Shirt link from Jim.

As is the norm for the ride home from Olive Olio’s the Peleton split in several directions. 

We hope that those on the injury list will soon be back in the Peloton.