Cycling News from around the world

Pelotoneer Bob, currently in Mexico, has not lost his eye for cycling related items

And how about this item from Melbourne - a glow in the dark cycle path

CRD should consider doing this to the Goose or Lochside? What do you reckon?

In South Australia they have just introduced new legislation in an attempt to reduce the dooring of cyclists. After a trial period, the legislation came into effect on January 27, 2016

Motorists who pass cyclists by less than a metre in South Australia will be hit with a $347 fine and the loss of two demerit points as the enforcement of new laws begins.
Police had been letting drivers off with a warning since the rules were introduced in late October but today said the "three-month education phase" was over.
Changes require motorists to leave a minimum one-metre gap when overtaking cyclists when the speed limit is 60 kilometres per hour or lower, or 1.5m when the limit is above 60kph.

Norm L has been checking on the behaviour of cyclists in Adelaide over the last 10 days - some cyclists behave in a manner that brings all cyclists into disrepute, some are exemplary while some are very casual or careless. It will be interesting to hear from local friends how the law is implemented in coming months. I think the loss of demerit points is going to be a talking point.

Last but not least, some photos of the Victoria Peloton, courtesy of Jim, where the weather looks a tad on the chilly side. Jim has also provided a link to cycling news in Victoria - BC that is, not the one in Australia!