Two for the price of one

Today, you get two blogs - more accurately 1 ¼ blogs.
From Victoria BC, Tom reports that eight riders met under cloudy skies (but no rain) at Mann's Construction Yard, David A, Rusty, Jim, Jack, Ian,  Jeff L, Tom and John. On the way to Sidneywe picked up Doug at Michell's Farm and proceeded without incident to the Georgia Cafe and Deli.  The Lochside  trails were in reasonably good condition despite recent many days of rain, only the occasional muddy sections were encountered  Discussion over coffee began with Doug's comments regarding his problems with his Mac which despite the purchase of a new hard drive was still causing problems.  This led to a conversation about our collective experiences with older types of computers, things only a bunch of ancient codgers would find interesting. Included were reminiscences of PDP8s, Wangs, North Stars (mine cost $9000.00 ca., 1985 and had a 10 kByte hard disk), Timex-Sinclair, Commodore, IBM1620s and other long obsolete marques. Jack mentioned that his wife still uses the old DOS commands (!)  and has never needed to use Windows to operate her  computer.

Jack described his application of computers to the measurement of the Mossbauer Effect, so you can see that the conversation has become considerably more erudite since Norm L left for Oz!. The ride back was equally uneventful and the rain held off despite a forecast to the contrary.
To get the stats on this ride, check on this link provided by Jim.
Meanwhile from Bunbury WA, Norm L reports that a lone rider set out at 9.00 am under a brilliant blue sky in 25C with a moderate northerly breeze. He headed south from Bunbury to Dalyellup following a paved trail which incorporates the Tuart Trail. No mud was sighted. The only hazard encountered on the trail waslittle gum nuts that litter the trail - these gum nuts are extremely hard, but can also be a hazard if one has to break unexpectedly. The rest of the trail goes through a suburb of Bunbury called Dalyellup finishing up at the beach - standard West Australian protocol. There was no coffee stop, so I can’t comment on any conversation I had with myself, but had there been a coffee stop, I’m sure the conversation would have been intellectually stimulating! I’m pleased to report that the neck discomfort has greatly diminished, but not totally disappeared.
Neither Google Maps nor Apple Maps show the bicycle trail that was followed, so there is no map for this antipodean ride.