What is said at coffee, stays at coffee

Nine riders met at Mann’s parking under mostly sunny skies. At Jack’s suggestion that we might start longer rides somewhat earlier the almost predictable responses ranged from 6:30 AM to 10:30 AM – no conclusion was reached. The ride through to Sidney proceeded in an orderly and pleasant fashion with good weather and a mostly dry track. Dave N separated at McD’s supposedly fetching water but suspected of chatting up some ladies at the rest stop. Over the Wain road overpass and before the hill, the group congregated to shed clothing before proceeding up the hill at widely varying speeds.

Coffee was taken outside in the sunshine (on slightly damp chairs) and conversation centred on the terrorist attack that morning in Brussels. No brilliant ideas were brought forward to avoid such attacks by suicide bombers until Dave N proposed that henceforth all air travel should be done naked and without luggage. This would make carrying a bomb very difficult and would likely greatly reduce air travel thus helping the fight against global warming – a concept that cold perhaps be generalized to all public modes of transportation. It was agreed that much of the rest of the conversation would be best left at the coffee shop.

The ride back was uneventful with Rusty and David A leading the rest of the group by a wide margin. John merged occasionally with the group as he followed a longer path at high speed. Norm T and Jack noted with interest that at least one pedestrian was now wearing a rear view mirror to detect approaching high speed cyclists.