No problems to solve

Seven riders assembled at Mitchel’s under sunny skies and set out for Lands End Rd. – fortunately forgetting that Dave N was supposed to be coming as he apparently slept in. A brisk but reasonable pace was set with various people taking the lead. Norm T contributed a tail light along the way claiming that it was an old one anyway (and probably the battery was low). All arrived at the beginning of Lands End Rd and congregated past the highway overpass.
At this point Tom’s racers took off at high speed leaving Jim and Jack to fend for themselves far behind. It was fortunate that Jack was not one of the “racers” as Jim had not done this ride for a long time and had forgotten the route and location of the coffee shop. The group reassembled at the West Sannich coffee shop and took coffee outside in the warm sunshine. The ambiance was such that no serious world problems were discussed or resolved.
The ride back to Mitchel’s was again taken at a brisk pace led by Ian to the East Sannich roundabout. Here John followed Ian along East Sannich and the others followed Jack toward Lockside. Surprisingly all arrived at Mitchel’s at the same time.
Jack notes that his Garmin GPS showed that this ride was done at higher speed, lower average HR and lower max HR than any previous rides on this route. So, it is not that he and Jim were slow, Tom was just showing that 2 weeks siting beside a pool drinking beer had not slowed him as much as might be expected.