A n escort for the Peloton

April 26
The weather gods were on our side - it was a beautiful sunny spring day, although a tad cool, with reasonable tail wind for the ride north. Seven riders started at Fol Epi, with Norm L. starting at McMinn Park and Tom at Lochside Park.

The Lochside leg proved eventful as riders found themselves dodging an unusually high volume of  often challenging walkers, riders, horses, cars, trucks, etc. A sweet tail wind to helped us maintain a good clip, averaging 25 km/ hr. Upon arrival at the Georgia Coffee Shop, the advance guard of Tom and Norm L found “our” patio unavailable due to a spring power washing. It was too nice a day to be inside, so we moved the chairs to be beyond the reach of the power washer. The Peloton was augmented by Jim who arrived by Jeep!

The noise from the power washer made it hard to capture all the conversation. Topics covered included the Belgian cyclist who was caught using an electric power assist device in the stem of the bike frame [called mechanical doping] at the world cyclocross championships. While cheating was condemned many were wondering how we could lay our hands on such a device. There was also a suspicion that John has one on his bike!

There was also some exchange of yarns about our own adventures with home repairs, how a job that should not take longer than 30 minutes often turns out consume a whole day, or more!
Subsequent to the bike ride, several transportation technology stories were submitted including.
Warning signals for distracted texting pedestrians

The PodCar Bike from Sweden

Turn indicator bicycle gloves

Before heading back south, there was general agreement that we did live in paradise, especially when Dave N told us that he spoke with someone in Ottawa this morning - there was freezing rain in the nation’s capital.

Tom, Norm and Dave N. cycled back at their own pace while the speedsters set a cracking pace. Jim provided a Jeep escort for part of the ride.
A significant head wind was encountered on the return trip, but a respectable overall av speed of 23.7 km/ hr for the total trip. Approx. 57 km was covered on the trip from Fol Epi to Sidney and back. Riding time was approx 2 hr, 20 min.