Double Trouble

The Blogger has been slack in not posting the two most recent blogs. He feels suitably chastised!

April 19
Eleven riders set out on Tuesday under sunny skies and warm temperatures. Eight met at Mann Construction parking as specified and followed the route on the invitation to Melinda’s picking up Jeff at Michell’s. Two other riders followed their own variations of the ride in time, place and route arriving somewhat late but at the correct coffee shop.
At one end of the table, conversation started with a question of the topic of Jack’s daughter’s PhD thesis which led to some enlightenment of Ian on the historic significance of the Oolichan (Eulichan) fishery to the native population which then led to the similarity of native rock carvings in coastal BC and New Zealand. Joining the general conversation, some useful facts on the operation of the new Compass cards for the Vancouver transit system and the cost and convenience taking transit from Victoria to Vancouver were shared.
En route, there was some discussion of when (or if) one should replace worn drive train components. It seems that Ian has rebuilt his Brodie many times over the years and was not impressed with Jack’s suggestion that one should just buy a new bike. Bike technology has really not changed much over the years so there is really no need to change bikes (maybe when electronic shifters have been perfected).
The return ride was enjoyed by all with only one deviant rider. The conforming nine regrouped at Michell’s and then followed their own paths departing the group at convenient places to get home.

View over YYJ

View over YYJ

April 22
The early Friday morning sun gave way to clouds by the start of the ride. Since Ian applied sunscreen before leaving home, he should accept some responsibility for the cloud!
Most of the Peloton assembled at Mann Construction [Tom, David, Ian, John, Norm T] Norm L started at Tutlista Park. There was nothing to report in terms of the ride out, except that there seems to be several new homes of all types being built in north SIdney, while along Lands End and Chalet Roads, there is a lot of property development taking place both new and renovated.
Over coffee there was some discussion of matters medical including wait times and doctor billing. It would seem that Pelotoneers have found the the cycle store closest to home is providing good and well priced service. Norm T is pleased with the service at Fairfield Cycle rather than having to take his bike back to where he bought it.
After coffee, it was reminiscent of leaving Olive Olio's where riders headed off in different directions. John wanted more demanding hill work, so he headed off in a westerly direction with the rest heading down West Saanich Road where Norm L. split off at Mills Road heading for Tulista Park with everyone else going around the the airport and following East Saanich Road before rejoining the Lochside at Michell’s.
A good time was had by all - what’s new?