Raising the Bar

“Blogger Norm” has been MIA over the last few months - spending time in Western Australia and Peru, avoiding the worst Victoria winter in some time. Today's ride was organized by Jeff who has raised the bar - he organized a superb bike ride through historic Esquimalt. The Peloton assembled at Dunsmuir and Esquimalt Road; within 200m we came to our first point of interest a heritage listed home on Wollaston Street - the architect of this home was none other than Francis Rattenbury - it sold for $2999,000 less than 2 years ago!

Next stop was the lookout in front of Swallows Landing affording views over the West Bay Marina, home of the Mayor of Esquimalt and the RV park whose future is uncertain.

The leisurely pace continued as we wound our way through the streets of Work Point stopping to check out the changes being made to the English Inn before arriving at MacAuley Point where Jeff gave us a history lesson on the importance of this location. If you were not on the ride, you can go here for an informative video

One can see why MacAuley Point was chosen - it affords commanding views of the Strait while providing an early warning system to both Esquimalt and Victoria Harbours.

Next stop was Jeff’s home where he and Cathy graciously provided coffee and treats. Because of the interest in the various stops along the way, we were cycling behind schedule.

Some riders headed home at this point, whilst the hardier ones continued on the ride through Esquimalt. Everyone enjoyed the ride, even those who plucked up enough courage to cross the Blue Bridge!

Thanks, Jeff and Cathy too!

PS - if you want to find out more about walks in Esquimalt, you can get brochures to download here.