No snow in sight, unless you are in Alberta!

A total of 7 riders assembled promptly at Ogden Point on a sunny, cool November morning. 3 went west. 4 went north. James was delayed by a flat tire at home but persevered and joined the ride along the way. The respective ranks swelled to 4 and 6 with joiners en route, so that an impressive Peloton of 10 arrived at Olive Olio's for coffee on the sunny patio. A beautiful day to ride and converse in sunny Victoria. Topics at coffee included proportional elections, the new government, elections and elections. Also Tom's impressive comeback from his fall, his injured groin, demonstrating his optimistic approach always! The riders scattered to the winds on several routes home. This bloggers reflection was again humbled by the quality of this group, this awesome activity and this Victoria area venue that we get to tackle twice a week. WOW!  Norm T.