Titanic Ride

The sunny skies that greeted the early risers faded somewhat by the time the Peloton set out from Ogden Point. Tom, David A., jack, John, Norm T., Rusty, and Hans. Norm L. started the ride ahead of the pack and picked up David B who was warmly welcomed back into the Peloton after extended family commitments, including the arrival of another grandchild. Cloudy conditions with a moderate to strong east south easterly wind, with high humidity created blustery rather than gnarly conditions for the ride.

Everyone met up at Olive Olio’s sitting outside braving the British-like elements.

Hans was complimented on his new Ronin bike.

The main topic of conversation revolved around medical issues - it seemed that we all suffered from the white coat syndrome: when having our BP taken at the doctor's surgery - BP readings were always higher. Although Norm T attributed his elevated reading to the attractive young assistant assigned the task. Rusty for example had his taken at the Red Cross the day before going to the doctor and the difference in BP was significant lower at the red cross but higher at the doctor's.
Staying with the medical theme, John referenced a report on CBC this morning about the over-diagnosis of asthma among youngsters such that the inhaler has been described as a “fashion accessory”
Rusty shared an experience at the gym the day before when a friend there talked about his experience with “Viking Hand” Surgery he underwent did not result in a “cure”. Rusty showed his Viking Hand - when Norm L checked his hand he had proof of his Viking ancestry!
From there it was on to the PSA test and its questionable validity.

After coffee, the usual dispersal pattern took place with Rusty, Hans and Tom heading east, while the rest headed south before splitting up at McNeill. On the way down Beach Road, a large Audi SUV cut in front of Norm L causing him to brake suddenly. Further down Beach Drive, Norm had again to take evasive action to avoid being doored; only a few moments later he had a close encounter with a lawn mower being used by someone not paying attention. John expressed the view that the Beach Road run should be abandoned for a few months until the massive home renovation outbreak is over!

Sorry David B - you left before the snap was taken

Sorry David B - you left before the snap was taken

Why the Titanic ride you ask? On this day in 1912, was the sinking of the Titanic.