An Emergent Design

Although the date was September 1, 2015, the weather was more autumnal than late summer. There had been some heavy rain in recent days, evidence of which was the number of leaves and branches on many sections of the trail. The dust that we had been accustomed to over the past few months was well and truly under control after the rain. The forecast was for a 30% chance of rain, but the Peloton managed to dodge the showers.

This was the second week of the new invite and ride format - Norm T. had kindly organized the ride, although he was in Alaska. Thanks, Norm T. There were two starting points - Fol Epi and Hatley Gardens sharing a common starting time. That was the official version, but there were variations - Ken W. and Norm L rode from home, arriving at Hatley Gardens for the 9.30 departure. Those who had driven to the start point [James, Tom and Doug] encountered severe traffic on Highway One.

Doug led the Peloton at a good clip almost the whole way to Metchosin. The surface was firm, with one or two wet patches and the occasional hazard [branches, horse manure and an unusually large number of dogs off leash]. The biggest decision of the day was where to go for coffee. Given our numbers, The Broken Paddle was the venue of choice. 

Over coffee, there was discussion of James' bike shed - despite assistance from many members of the wolf cub pack, there was still a problem of rain seeping in between the roof and a beam. One smart ass suggested asking a dentist for some extra filling to fix the problem. Perhaps there should be a special blog post on James' bike shed complete with a photo gallery???Despite the election being in full swing, it scarcely got a mention.

As the group was getting ready to leave, the "other" group was pulling in to My Chosen Café. Ken W. experienced a slow leak in his rear tyre, so opted to cycle up Happy Valley Road to the Outpost Bike store, frequented by Rusty and Cy among others. We discovered that it is faster to come up Happy Valley Road than to follow the Goose, unless Ken was going exceptionally fast, or got a lift from someone!!! Either that or the rest of us were cycling very slowly!

The only other incident of note was that a fly got stuck between Tom's scalp and his bike helmet.

Rather than create another blog post, here is a link to two cycle related news items.

First from The Economist and the second from the CBC

An Innovative Ride

This week saw a new approach to the Peloton organisation with one ride, but multiple starting points.

8 riders [Tom, Bob, Ian, David, John, Jim, and Norm x2] left from Foi Epi. Doug joined at Mann Const. with Hans joining at Broadmead. Norm L. headed back at Matticks. So then we had about 9 riders, maybe 10? James J. was sighted flying by in the other direction around Heritage Acres, already on his return trip. At the coffee shop Wayne and Cy were already in relax mode; there was lots of room on the busy, sunny Georgia Cafe patio for all Pelotoneers. Wayne and Cy had added a new format by taking the bus to McTavish using the bus bike rack, but riding back on the Lochside. This just shows us that there are so many more variations than our talented but "ex-bureaucrat heavy" executive can envision (who are you calling heavy?). It was a wonderful day for a ride. We set a blistering pace covering about 60 km return from Foi Epi at an average 24.2 km/ hr. No incidents or near misses were recorded. The trail was quite busy with many modes of transport and several inexperienced users of those modes - we need to be continuously diligent and responsible in avoiding these hazards.

Clearly not Cy or Wayne - far too young! And good looking!!

Clearly not Cy or Wayne - far too young! And good looking!!

No pics., but Jim provided us with the Garmin Summary.

Prepared by Norm T.

To go the web page go here

To go the web page go here

Incremental Ride

The ride started officially at Hatley Gardens but several of today’s Peloton opted to add to the ride by cycling from home. It was yet another beautiful day in God’s country - warm and sunny, with a slight head wind no matter in what direction one was cycling!! Jim, Ken W, Arne, Cy, Casey and Norm L. made up today’s Peloton.

The Goose was quite busy with pedestrians and a few cyclists, along with evidence left by equestrians. Today saw the need to institute a distracted pedestrian law - a young mum was out with a little one in the pram and another by her side; she had stopped to text someone - facing across the Goose with the pram in front of her, and the youngster not paying any attention to his surroundings. It took several bell rings to get the young lady’s attention, get the young man in tow, and the pram to one side of the trail. Who want to call Lisa to institute a bylaw?

Upon arriving at Mechosin, there was little debate that we should be outside -opting for the picnic tables at the back of My Chosin Cafe beside the goats!

Conversation over coffee was not particularly focused on particular topics - the Duffy scandal was quickly given the flick - the PM was not unaware of the what was going on. Claustrophobia became an item of discussion - some felt being in Drumheller was reason for a panic attack, while others deemed being down a coal mine or for some the Cù Chi tunnels in Vietnam were the ultimate in feeling enclosed or confined.

The ride back to Hatley was uneventful, but enjoyable. From there, some drove home while others continued on their bikes.

This is what contented cyclist look like!!

This is what contented cyclist look like!!

Tale of Two Rides

7 keen riders met at Foi Epi despite the issues with Celebrations recently. Sunny and warm weather. We took the new E & N route with a slight "bad turn" at the start that didn't avoid the (Wilson?) hill anyway. This new path is smooth and sleek compared to the wooden trestles that seem to get rougher every ride. Could be we are just a bit older each ride also. We joined the Goose and proceeded toward My Chosen Cafe. At Hatley Gardens Doug joined us, newly healed from an ankle injury. Upon arrival coffee was enjoyed in the sun outside at My Chosen, with the goats and chickens looking on. The group split at the junction on the return ride with 4 taking the E & N and 3 taking the regular Goose trail. No incidents or near misses were recorded. Total ride was about 52 km

The other Peloton had four members who met up at Mile Zero for a leisurely ride to Cadboro' Bay. Ken W., Wayne, Cy and Norm L took the trail along Dallas, past the site of the proposed Sewage Treatment Plant at Clover Point, before turning up through Ross Bay Cemetery, crossing Foul Bay Road and on to Beach Drive. From there it was north following the shoreline passing the other candidate for the Sewage Treatment Plant at Cattle Point. 

Conversation at Olive Olio's largely focused around BC taxes - while we may have lower provincial income taxes, there are lot of hidden and new taxes - the land transfer tax, the tax on used cars, MSP et cetera.

Cy was the tour guide for the scenic return ride following Midland, Musgrave and Hampshire to Oak Bay Village.

La Lanterns Rouge

No Blog Post from July 10, despite John and his new bike. 

John: "I lost 25lbs on my birthday thanks to the new bike".

Tom: "There are cheaper ways to lose 25 lbs."

Instead of Post about the ride, I thought I would put up some info on La Lanterne Rouge. While listening to NPR radio this morning, I heard an interview with a Brit who has written a book about La Lanterne Rouge. [available on Amazon, but not iBooks, yet] I have to confess to total ignorance of the award until today. Most have heard about the Maillot Jaune, but not La Lanterne Rouge.

Was there le maillot jaune in the first Tour de France?

While on the NPR web site, I thought I would check to see if there had been any other items on the topic, and much to my surprise there was an item in 2013 featuring a BC native one Svein Tuft who won La Lanterne Rouge in 2013

To read a review of the book click here

To read a review of the book click here

Theatrical Bike Ride

Theatre SKAM’s annual festival of drama, comedy, improv, opera, dance, puppetry, cycling, music and sunshine is coming back to the Galloping Goose Trail — with a new name, longer hours and a more accessible ride than every before!

Theatre SKAM’s SKAMpede 2015 lineup:

Maimyard of the Pacific – 2 Dope Boys in a Cadillac (Victoria)
The Tiebreaker – The After Party Girls (Vancouver)
Re-Gretta – Astral Jazz Theatre (Victoria)

If I Had A Horse – Ben, Dave, Steve (Edmonton)
The Oldest Trick in the Book – The Click (Victoria)
The Return of Space Cadet – Determined Illusions (Vancouver)
Don Faust’s Magic Butterfly Marriage of Doom - Fear No Opera (Victoria)
Harvey & Quinn – Gotta Getta Gimmick (Victoria)
Wait – Go Go Go Productions (Toronto)
The Tree of Tales – Juniper Tree (Victoria)
The Rope Seer: The Legend of Knockan Hill – Scrumpy Productions (Victoria)
Scope – Zopyra Theatre (Victoria)

In the Hub:

Geraldine’s Big Blind Date - Levity Stilt Co (Victoria)
Gazoo Reveals Its True Nature – Jo Leslie (Victoria)

Saturday, July 11 only in the Hub:
PROTEST! Created By Kate Rubin Theatre and Drama Students.

And the Friday Night Feast July 10, 2015: three-course dinner and 12+ shows!

Head over to the Bike Ride SKAMpede page for more info.


Incident free ride

Riders met at Foi Epi and Norm L. made a cameo appearance before attending to his housekeeping duties. 3 riders took the nice, new E & N route to 6 Mile and met the others who took the regular Goose route picking up more riders waiting at the Uptown intersection. We all met at the 6 mile junction and proceeded to RRU. Smoke was minimal and no breathing issues were encountered except when Hans swallowed a bug. No incidents were recorded. We were able to resolve most of the world's major problems over coffee once again. On the return 5 or 6 riders took the E & N route, some for the first time.

"A good time was had by all...."

Did you know that Hatley Castle and its surroundings have made appearances in numerous movies and TV series programs such as Smallville where it serves as the Luthor Mansion, and the second and third X-Men films where the university is transformed into Professor Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters.

Go here to see how Hatley was filmed from a helicopter for the X-men

Go here to see how Hatley was filmed from a helicopter for the X-men